Travel Resources

Travelling to any destination need lots of planning as well as proper resources, so that you can seamlessly manage accomplishing your journey. Health plays a pivotal role here. To keep you fit and active at Aafiyat Medical Centre we cater our patients with adequate travel resources for their assistance.


Travelling when pregnant is a special cause for concern, but with adequate preparation, you can travel stress-free. Although travel is rarely contraindicated in pregnancy, some complications might require extra considerations and a recommended delay from your physician. Be sure to consult a physician regarding your health and safety of your child.

A pre-travel evaluation is necessary for all pregnant women who choose to travel. This should include careful evaluation of medical and obstetric history, particular attention to gestational age and high risk factors. Make sure to visit with your obstetrician before you travel, as part of routine prenatal care and to identify any potential difficulties.

A complete and thorough review of your itinerary, including destinations, accommodations, and activities is necessary to educate yourself regarding travel-associated risks, management of minor discomfort and recognizing more concerning complications.

Make sure to carry a complete record of your prenatal history and your physician’s contact information with you while travelling. Research limitations and specific information regarding your travel health insurance and make sure to keep all necessary paperwork on you at all times. It is recommended to identify availability of medical facilities at your destination in preparation of your required obstetric care, delivery and potential neonatal care.

Always pack with you a kit containing your prescription medications, antiemetic drugs, antacids, prenatal vitamins, and any other necessary items in case of emergencies. Do a thorough review of your airline or cruise ship’s policy regarding pregnant women on board. If you are planning a cruise trip, you may be required to carry a physician’s note of fitness. It is recommended to travel in comfortable clothing and footwear, choose a seat closer to the bathroom, and frequent stretching and walking during the flight. While travelling by motor vehicles, always wear the seat belt when available. Use mosquito nets when sleeping and airconditioned rooms where available, bed nets, insect repellents, and protective clothing. If travelling to malaria- endemic areas, make sure to consult one of our physicians regarding safety and benefit of prophylaxis. Food and water Precautions: a) Strict hand hygiene should be maintained. b) Prefer bottled or boiled water to consume. c) Thoroughly clean and wash fresh vegetables and fruit. d) Avoid eating improperly stored food. e) Avoid drinking raw milk or eating meat that has not been thoroughly cooked Some vaccines and medications recommended for travel are contraindicated in pregnancy. Consult our physicians today to discuss the risk v/s benefits for you. In addition to these, be sure to check out the requirements and recommendations for travel specific to your destination.

For more information:

Business Travel

Business travelers are occupational travelers who require frequent traveling for work. The risk associated with this type of travel increases with frequency of trips to at-risk areas and should thus be considered as a cumulative effect on the passenger.

There is a likelihood of travel related illnesses increases with frequency and duration of travel, with less recuperative time between trips. Extensive work is also associated with higher affinity to increased body mass, high cholesterol, hypertension, and mental stress.

Strict documentation to determine the fitness of the individual to make frequent trips is a must. Assessing how well any underlying conditions are controlled and how well the associated risks will be managed while traveling, destination specific health risks, duration of traveling, and access to care while away (including health facilities at your destination and insurance coverage). We want to help you improve the factors within your control and minimize risks from those out of your control.

Our consultation helps you to identify risks to mental and physical health. Vaccines, prophylactic medication, and mitigating key threats are the main elements to pretravel advice. A thorough discussion regarding your entire itinerary and travel plans can help to achieve optimal advice from your physician.

Potential threats include:
  • Exposure to chemical or physical toxins at industrial locations and poor air quality.
  • Some locations may pose fall hazards and unintentional injuries.
  • Hospitals or local bio-facilities may pose environmental threats to the traveler.
  • Lodging may not have adequate sanitation facilities and food and water consumed may be contaminated.
  • Disturbance of circadian rhythm, increased psychological stress, and sleep related disorders due to frequent changes in time zones.
Business travels should receive all indicative vaccines and prophylaxis before traveling. The passenger also needs to be regularly updated for routine vaccines. Administration of vaccines is dependent on the next several years of trips lined up as well, discuss your possible future travel plans with your physician too. The business traveler making frequent trips to at-risk areas should be more vigilant about following pretravel advice, loss of function due to illness could have negative impacts on the person’s work too.

For more information:

Insurance coverage varies as per provider, please review your policy to ensure you are covered.

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